The Oregon Brewshed® Alliance is a coalition of brewing businesses and brewing community partners who understand the value of clean water and protected forest watersheds.

The client wanted a website that was simpler, more user friendly, and able to maintained internally.

You can view the live landing page here.


Website Designer, Project Manager, Art Director


Figma Logo
Photoshop Logo


To begin the redesign project, I did some research and worked with the client to determine the primary and target users. We worked together to establish their brand values and redesign goals. From there, I began an audit of their prior site.

The main problem areas I noticed were that the header, main page, and overall layout needed to be simplified. The site was lacking structure and immediate information that let the user know what the Brewshed® Alliance was, what it did, and why they should care. It was too difficult for a user to navigate to the menu and content, and there was also an opportunity to tie in the branding of Oregon Wild with the Brewshed® Alliance.

Prior Site ScreenShot
Prior Site ScreenShot
Figma Prototype

After the audit, I start wireframing in Figma. Here I experimented with layouts and user flowers to help determine what will work best for the clients needs. Once the general layout had been determined, I then moved on to working prototypes inside of Figma.

Figma wireframe

From there, I began building out the website in the clients’s platform builder of choice. I simplified the overall layout of the site, and made it easier for the user to navigate. I placed the mission statement and overview at the top of the site, so that the user immediately knows who Oregon Brewshed Alliance® is and what it is they do. We incorporated Partner of the Month, so that they could highlight partners and provide an incentive for breweries to partner with the organization. I also highlighted the Take Action page, which will direct users to learn about the current key initiatives of the organization.

To see the final website, click here.